Soft Tree llc
Amuleit Service app privacy policy
Soft Tree LLC respect your concerns about privacy. We created this Privacy Notice to make sure you understand how we collect and use your personal information in connection with Amuleit Service app.
Through Amuleit Service App, we may collect information about you in various ways.

Information You Provide Directly
· Information about and from third-party devices and apps you choose to connect to Amuleit Service App (such as third-party device manufacturers, models, and identifiers, and third-party app IDs, including social media IDs).

Information About Your Use of Amuleit App
· Information about your use of Amuleit Service App (such as messages sent or received in Amuleit Service App, Amuleit Service App settings, and in-app usage information, including menus and settings clicked, features used, frequency and duration of use of Amuleit Service App, and any error messages displayed).
· Device information (such as firmware version, operating system, and device IDs, including MAC address, Android ID, serial number, and mobile advertiser IDs).
· Geolocation data, where location-based features and location settings have been activated on your device. (With your permission, we may receive your device's precise geolocation and other information related to your location through GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi signals. Your device will notify you when the Amuleit App services attempt to collect your precise geolocation data).

We also may obtain other information about you, your device, and your use of Amuleit Service App, in ways we describe at the time we collect the information or otherwise with your consent.

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:
· To respond to your requests and inquiries.
· To communicate with you about Amuleit Service App.
· For advertising, such as providing customized ads, sponsored content, and sending you promotional communications.
· To deliver customized content and recommendations tailored to your interests and the manner in which you interact with Amuleit Service App.
· To operate, evaluate, and improve our business (including developing new products, enhancing and improving our products and Amuleit Service App, managing our communications, analyzing our products, consumer base, and Amuleit Service App, performing data analytics, and performing accounting, auditing, and other internal functions).
· To protect against, identify, and prevent fraud and other criminal activity, claims, and other liabilities.
· To comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards, and our policies, including this Privacy Notice.
We may use and combine the information we collect about you from Amuleit Service App with data from other services or features you use and your devices, and other sources, to provide you with a better experience. We may also use the information you provide directly or through other sources as described above to provide content you may like or that has been personalized. For example, when you link Amuleit Service App to certain third-party apps, services, or devices, we may provide a recommendation related to or based off this linking.

This Privacy Notice may be updated to let you know about changes in how we collect and process your personal information in Amuleit Service App to reflect material changes in our information practices. The date when the document was last updated is shown at the top of this Privacy Notice.